Akita dog society in Japan adopts blockchain to fight forgery.

The Odate-based dog society, in partnership with U.S.-based Heirloom Inc., aims to improve authenticity and convenience for dog owners. According to a society spokesperson, the decision to incorporate blockchain technology was influenced by the society’s overseas membership growth from about 300 people in 2022 to around 500 in 2023.

The reports of forged pedigree documents in China further motivated the adoption of blockchain. The society hopes that the use of blockchain will provide both convenience through digitalization and assurance for owners that their dogs are purebred.

In response to logistical challenges, the dog society plans to digitize document management during transit. The updated issuance process, accessible through the society’s website and a dedicated smartphone app, is expected to expedite certificate delivery and provide assurance to owners about their dogs’ pedigrees.

The capability of blockchain to transparently track transactions has long been recognized as one of its fundamental use cases.

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