TON unveils Memelandia hub for developers of meme coins

The Open Network (TON) team recently announced the launch of an incentive program designed to support and draw attention to new meme coins. The team’s primary goal is to establish a sustainable and active community for these coins.

According to the team, this initiative will bring greater recognition to meme coins that often go unnoticed by the crypto market. To facilitate this initiative, the Memelandia website features a real-time leaderboard.

Users can participate by creating their own meme token, arranging a presale or airdrop, and promoting it within the TON ecosystem. Additionally, they can utilize mini-applications on Telegram to further enhance their outreach.

Furthermore, traders who engaged in transactions on DeDust and between March 4 and April 10 were eligible to receive tokens as part of the distribution. This distribution aimed to incentivize participation and increase awareness of the meme coins supported by the TON initiative.

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