Congressman pushes for US to take the lead in Bitcoin innovation.

The Republican emphasized the significance of embracing new technologies and the potential for the United States to be a leader in the field. He pointed out the transparency of Bitcoin transactions, highlighting the misunderstandings that can lead to misguided legislation. He expressed concern about policymakers falling into misinformation rabbit holes and the need for them to be properly informed. The Congressman also mentioned the history of resilience of this bastion of freedom and its resistance to attempts to shut it down by past regimes.

He underscored the importance of maintaining this freedom and not giving in to attempts to suppress it. The text conveys a message about the importance of embracing and leading in technological advancements, as well as the need for policymakers to be well-informed in order to avoid misguided legislation. The Republican’s focus on the transparency of Bitcoin transactions and the potential for the United States to be a leader in this area is clear.

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