Can Web3 games overthrow the App Store? Yes, through PWAs

Opinion: Can PWAs Dethrone the App Store? PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are applications built with web platform technologies. They offer a user experience similar to platform-specific apps and can be added to a device’s home screen directly from a browser.

Once installed, PWAs can be launched from the operating system, just like traditional app store downloads. By coding their app in a certain way, developers can create a seamless, app-like experience within a mobile device’s browser, bypassing the need for app stores. App stores typically restrict peer-to-peer trading, dynamic pricing, and wallet connections.

For example, in order to link to external purchases, developers must navigate a complex process with app stores like Apple’s. PWAs offer an alternative by providing easy access, a uniform experience across operating systems, and a decentralized option for app distribution. For play-to-earn gaming, PWAs offer a way to engage users beyond desktop platforms, circumventing the restrictions that make it difficult for developers to release this style of mobile game successfully.

They also support features like Apple Pay and push notifications, enabling seamless payments and user interaction. Furthermore, PWAs offer a more direct user acquisition model, bypassing the heavy investment and restrictions often associated with visibility in traditional app stores. While the adoption of PWA technology comes with challenges, dedicated builders are ready to overcome them through optimization and effective marketing strategies.

By embracing PWAs, both developers and users can push back against unfair app marketplace restrictions. This approach can potentially lead to a future where decentralized innovation can flourish without constraints. Moving beyond the Apple/Google duopoly, PWAs offer the opportunity for app developers and users to thrive in a more open ecosystem that aligns with the core values of web3 users.

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